Once you enter the “MEGASALES999” advertising code and publish your campaign, we will be able to track your campaign progress and give you US$999 Ad Credits* upon successful completion of your TikTok Creator Marketplace campaign.
To qualify for the US$999 Ad Credits, advertisers must complete the following between 27 July 2023 to 31 December 2023:
- Complete a minimum of one (1) creator campaign with a minimum of one (1) creator and two (2) videos through TikTok Creator Marketplace using the Advertising Code “MEGASALES999“
- Spend a minimum of USD$3,000.00 on SparkAds within thirty (30) days of the creator campaign(s) going live; and
- Ensure the Content disclosure setting is switched on, Branded content checked, and that the video is linked to the TTCM campaign