
Lift in ad recall


Lift in purchase intent


Sales uplift

Driving brand awareness and purchase intent through TikTok content creators

The way we use ketchup says a lot about our personality. Do you like to have a neat blob of ketchup on the side that you can dip your potato chips in? Or do you like to smother your plate of fries with some of that tomatoey goodness? This was the message that Libby's Ketchup wanted to drive with their brand awareness campaign in Saudi Arabia.​

Manufactured by Nestle, Libby's Ketchup boasts a rich and delicious flavor made from 100% natural tomatoes. Its tangy taste profile makes it a great complement to everyday meals and snacks.​

In line with the brand's fun personality, Libby's Ketchup wanted to show how everyone has a unique ketchup habit. To bring this message to life, they tapped into the creativity of content creators on TikTok.​

Boosting creator-led content with TopView and Spark Ads

To achieve the campaign's objectives, Libby's Ketchup leveraged both branded and creator-led content. To find the right creators, the brand used TikTok Creator Marketplace, TikTok's official platform for brand and creator collaborations. Among the creators they partnered with was @zozbakrtv, a popular creator known for his relatable and humorous content.

One of his videos showed how Libby's Ketchup makes a great addition to almost every snack situation. Driving to a restaurant for a kebab sandwich takeaway? Having a pizza picnic at the park? Chilling on the couch with a bowl of chips and your favorite TV series? Grab that bottle of Libby's Ketchup!

To maximize visibility, Libby's Ketchup leveraged Spark Ads. Spark Ads allow brands to boost existing creator content, maintaining the native feel of standard TikTok videos. As a result, audiences are able to engage with a brand's content in an organic and authentic way. And it wasn't long before the TikTok community chimed in with their own ketchup habits!​

TikTok takes brand safety and reputation seriously. This is why it has partnered with badged TikTok meaurement partner OpenSlate to ensure the campaign videos adhere to brand safety guidelines. OpenSlate implements solutions that analyzes content that the brand's videos will run adjacent to. This ensures that the brand's ads are served next to safe content only, filtering out any videos with potentially unsafe/objectionable content. This resulted in a brand safety score of 99.08% in Verified Brand Safe Ad Impressions. ​

Achieving sales results by adding creativity to CPG brand marketing

The campaign showed that creator-led content amplified with Spark Ads was an effective way to engage customers and achieve sales results. Not only did the campaign lead to a 37% lift in ad recall, but there was also a 2.1% lift in offline sales. ​

TikTok Creator Marketplace made it easy to discover creators whose content and personalities align with the brand. The platform also made it convenient to brief creators, approve content and monitor performance–ensuring seamless campaign management from end to end. ​

By using TikTok's ad solutions to maximize reach, the campaign videos achieved a total of 58.3 million impressions at a cost-efficient $0.004 per unique reach. ​

Excited to start your own creator-led campaign? Visit the TikTok Creator Marketplace and start discovering new creators for your brand!​

Client Testimonial

“In-store sales lift results in our Libby’s campaign showed an indicative proof point that brand and creator-led content in tune to the TikTok community tonality boosted through Spark Ads drives sales! The content delighted and engaged consumers, driving impact on short and long-term equity metrics all-encompassing in a brand-safe environment as verified by OpenSlate.”

–Maiada El Shahawy, Nestlé FOOD – MENA TEAM

This article was originally published on TikTok for Business

Top 3 Key results




Hashtag Challenge videos


Purchase intent lift

Building brand awareness

Migros Hemen is a Turkey-based grocery delivery service and a sub-brand of one of the country's largest retailers, Migros. To stand out during the competitive Ramadan season, the brand wanted to infuse its mobile app marketing with some creativity. To encourage users to order from its grocery delivery app, Migros Hemen started a Branded Hashtag Challenge using the hashtag #evyemekleri (or #homecooking).

Tapping into TikTok content creators to inspire the community

Migros Hemen leveraged the TikTok Creator Marketplace to find the best creators to lead the community in the Hashtag Challenge. The creators posted videos of themselves preparing homemade recipes—from iftar main dishes to mouth-watering desserts. Each video showed the creator using the Migros Hemen app to order their ingredients. This highlighted the wide variety of products on the app, the convenient shopping journey, and quick delivery.

The brand ended up collaborating with 10 different creators to lead the Hashtag Challenge. Migros Hemen used Spark Ads to maximize campaign visibility and amplify the videos' reach. One of the creators they partnered with was Ayyüce Kamit (@ayyucekamit), a popular local chef with more than 420,000 followers on TikTok. Check out her video below.

Achieving significant engagement at a lower cost

Not only did the campaign achieve a total of 111 million video views, it also attracted 3.6 million engagements from users. The campaign showed how a Branded Hashtag Challenge can bring together a community that has a shared passion (homecooked recipes). Having creators lead the challenge also led to over 10,000 videos created using the hashtag #evyemekleri.​

The campaign resulted in a 19% purchase intent lift vs. market norms. Despite Ramadan being a competitive season for advertisers, the campaign saw a 29% lower cost-per-mille (CPM) compared to other platforms.​

TikTok Creator Marketplace made it easy to search for creators who have the right expertise and following. The platform also made it easy to brief and manage multiple creators and see campaign insights in real time.​

Want to discover the right creators for your own campaign? Sign up for the TikTok Creator Marketplace now.​

This article was originally published on TikTok for Business


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