Using TikTok Creator Marketplace to drive full-funnel marketing objectives
Leading social networking app Now Hangouts turned to TikTok Creator Marketplace with the objective of unlocking full-funnel marketing objectives within the Australia TikTok community.
6s View-Through Rate (VTR)
Cost per acquisition (CPA)
Discovering new creators via TikTok Creator Marketplace
Now Hangouts leveraged the TikTok Creator Marketplace to run their TikTok creator campaign in Australia from November to December 2022. The brand engaged a total of 14 mid-tier creators based in Australia to highlight the social networking app's unique features and why it is positioned as one of the best social networking apps out there for people to seek new connections.
Each creator allowed their unique style to shine through, while ensuring they displayed an element of creative authenticity in their videos. One such creator was @kaseymillerrr (14.1k followers), who shared her story on how she used Now Hangouts when she first moved to Sydney, and found her best friend via the social app.
Sharing of such authentic and personable stories helped to connect with the target audience meaningfully, and effectively showcase the benefits of the social networking app at the same time.
Leveraging Spark Ads and seeing uplift in ROI
Now Hangouts also used Spark Ads to amplify the creators’ videos and use them as ad creatives for their campaign. This was a great boost to their overall campaign results achieved in a short timeframe. Overall, the social networking app managed to achieve an impressive average of 16.7 6s-VTR and over 6,500 conversions in just under two months!
Client Testimonial
“Working with TikTok creators has brought an immense amount of individual creativity to our campaign. It allowed us to expand our audience while simultaneously enabling them to express themselves through representing our brand."
Saar Rozenbaum
Founder, Now Hangouts
Excited to start your own creator-led campaign? Visit TikTok Creator Marketplace and start discovering new creators for your brand!
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